Pet Vaccinations


Rabies Vaccine

All dogs and cats must be vaccinated against the rabies virus. This vaccine must be administered annually. Some people believe you should only vaccinate outside animals, but all dogs and cats should be vaccinated.

Rabies is a serious disease and carries an almost 100% mortality rate in animals and humans once symptoms occur.

The rabies vaccine is required by law to be administered by a licensed veterinarian.

The virus attacks the brain of mammals via saliva, entering a wound or broken skin. Mammals can spread rabies, include dogs, bats, coyotes, foxes, skunks, and raccoons.

Call 417-451-2533 Pinnacle Vet Clinic the trusted vet is Neosho MO.


Fecal and Intestinal Parasite Treatment and Prevention

What do the parasites do to a pet?

Intestinal parasites infect the intestines of your animal, and can cause them to be come very sick. Some side effects of parasites is weight loss, diarrhea, vomiting, and lethargic.

We recommend doing a fecal at the first puppy visit and then once a year at the time of yearly vaccines. If any parasites are found at the time of the fecal we will prescribe a deworming medication to kill them off. We do recommend starting your animal on interceptor because it is not only a heart worm preventative but it also helps prevent intestinal parasites from coming back.


Flea and Tick Prevention/Treatment​

What is it important to prevent fleas and ticks? It is important to keep your animal on flea and tick preventative because there are a lot of tick borne illnesses (most which can be deadly to your animals). If an animal has fleas for an extensive period of time the animal can become anemic, which can lead to other issues and/or death.

Is this safe for my pet? Even though there are studies proving that the medications we have are safe for your animal, there are also some side effects that can come with them like vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, a rash or hives and weakness. Every animal is different and most do not have any reactions but these are some side effects to look for.
